Thursday, June 26, 2008

My First ALA Convention

Well, here it goes, the ramblings of a first timer! I have been preparing for this day since I decided to sign up for the convention. Which seminars would best inform my practice as a middle school librarian? How do I make sure to see all the vendors who can tell me about their library automation systems (yes, we are still using Winnebego Spectrum) and the publishers, and authors.... The LM Net listserv, ALA Wiki, and YALSA Wiki have provided me with resources I need to put together a great schedule of events. I'm sure I will miss quite a bit, but I have Kathy, and the others in the Anaheim en Mass group to help me.

This is what I will be doing all day Friday... since I am a Middle School Librarian this is right up my alley!
Got Tweens? Serving Younger Teens and Tweens the issues surrounding them, and how to reach them in your library. You'll meet authors who write for this audience, gain exposure to literature for them through booktalks, hear from a panel of experts in the field on programming for younger teens and tweens, and learn about professional resources to aid in providing library service to this group in your school and public library. (Authors participating: Bruce Hale, Jon Scieszka, Lisi Harrison, Amy Goldman Koss, Ingrid Law, and Lisa Yee).
I'll let you know how it goes!


sunshine said...

Hi Amy. I wanted to attend that session, but can't because of my required attendance at the Institute. I'm looking forward to reading what you learned at it.

Anonymous said...

I attended the ALA Conference too. Carroll is holiweird crazy. I am glad that I made this trip. The Librarian did a great job!