Saturday, June 28, 2008

Spokane Moms

ALA conferences offer opportunities to meet supporters of libraries and, yes, of school libraries in particular. In this photo the Spokane Moms take a moment to pose with Sara Kelly Johns - AASL President 2007-2008, during the ALA President's Reception. From left to right are Denette Hill, Sara Kelly Johns, Lisa Layera and Susan McBurney.

Lisa Layera, Camila Alire - ALA President Elect, Susan McBurney, Denette Hill and Sara Kelly Johns.

Denette Hill, Sara Kelly Johns, Lisa Layera, Loriene Roy - ALA President 2007-2008 and Jim Rettig - ALA President 2008-2009.

Alma Ramos-McDermott (MSLA) and Denette Hill.

Susan McBurney, Loriene Roy and Sara Kelly Johns.

In this relatively informal setting, the Spokane Moms conveyed the brilliance, strength, courage, determination and sense of humor that enabled their success.

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