Saturday, October 27, 2012

The National Writing Project presentation on Why Digital Writing Matters for Learning

All writing matters. Writing is not just what is on paper. Why does this matter?
Digital writing is how we write, share, collaborate, publish, and participate today and into the future. What does this means for the future of writing?


some thoughts on common core

We know the curriculum better than anyone else in the building—this adds huge value in rolling out Common Core--remind your principal and superintendent about this often

We know technology and how to use it to gather information and create products that show learning

In order to do what we do well, we need to be able to do it—time to collaborate, time to plan, time to teach.  
When we don’t have this, and don’t do our jobs well, we lose librarians.  If you CAN do these things, you owe to those who don't to advocate on their behalf.

Pennsylvania School Library Association just completed HUGE study on status of school libraries in PA and will next develop an information literacy curriculum summer of 2013 correlated with the Pennsylvania Common Core—something for Massachusetts to keep an eye on. 

Digital reading is getting teens and young adults reading—don’t worry about print vs. ebook, just look at how kids are reading and go there!  New Pew Study out this week:

“Librarians teach process!  Librarians are Common Core—this is what we do!”  Melissa Jacobs-Israel, NYC public schools.  New York City public schools have “unpacked common core” for librarians: