Sunday, July 19, 2009

My ALA '09 Wrap-up

Greetings from another First-Time ALA National Conference attendee!

The conference goes by so quickly... I've been able to sort through my bags and handouts, to start to look at my notes and to begin to integrate all of the conversations and sessions in with my other thoughts about the conference and how I plan to use all that I have learned. That means that I'm now ready to blog!

This is the biggest tech-savvy conference that I have attended. As Kathy mentioned, twitter was a big thing. I wasn't able to keep track as well as I would have liked, but even following tweets and backchannels to the extent that I was able to certainly made for a richer experience within sessions and more streamlined experience overall.

I took a few minutes to read over everyone else's posts to the blog before posting. The wealth of offerings meant that there was a wide variety in the sessions that your MSLA en Mass bloggers attended. It was fantastic to be able to see the conference from some other perspectives and itineraries! This afternoon, I hope to be able to share from some of the sessions that made the greatest impression on me.

I'll leave off for now with the pre-conference advice, "Five Tips For A Better ALA Conference Experience" from SteveB on the ACRL site.

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