Thursday, January 29, 2015

Chicago Midwinter Meetings

Packing here for my last far away Midwinter meeting with MSLA.  Next year we'll be a subway ride away in Boston--so get ready to join us!
Midwinter is a working conference and we are all going with missions for MSLA--Most of us will be working as part of AASL Affiliate Assembly where school librarians from around the nation gather to address concerns and set standards for school libraries around the country.  Kathy Lowe is co-chair of the committee planning the next annual AASL National Conference and I'm working with her as co-chair of programs.  It is exciting to plan a conference on this scale with a team of librarians from all over the U.S.   We also plan to go through the exhibitor hall to gather freebies to give away at our Unconference Day in Amherst in March, and of course, we'll be checking out great authors and speakers with an eye toward sharing the best of the current library world with our members.
Keep checking in for updates throughout the weekend!

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